Page 186 - TOP 10 CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS - volume IV
P. 186

I wear Eiffel                                              Inter viewer: A gain you showed creativit y and
                                                                      creativeness when realizing your ideas. This time you
           Interviewer: When we last met in 2018, you were,           weren’t working as a painter in the traditional sense.
           omce again, ahead of your time. You were working           Sroka: I always find it exciting to tr y out new

           on a new serie, yet again, based on a metropolitan         techniques or materials. At first, I just wanted to
           inspiration, however differently executed.                 file my research and ideas on my laptop. While
           Sroka: Exactly. At that time, the series “I WEAR EIFFEL”   doing so, I discovered the possibility of being able

           was created for the upcoming 130th anniversary of          to work creatively with a digital medium. Suddenly,
           the Eiffel Tower. At this point in time I already had      there were innumerable opportunities to create
           some work commissioned for its edition.                    contemporary works.


           I WEAR EIFFEL, 2018 MIXED MEDIA ON ACRYLIC GLASS 23.6X23.6 IN. | 60X60 CM.

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